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Septic Inspections

in New York

Septic tank
Does the presence of a septic tank worry you as a potential home buyer? Professional home inspections from certified and trained home inspectors can help you ease your mind and make the best decisions about a future home with a septic system present.
Households that are not served by the municipal sewer either have privately-owned sewer laterals that connect them to the main municipal sewer line or rely on private septic systems. About 25 percent of the American population has separate septic systems, so it’s not unusual to come across a perfect home with its own wastewater system.
Since a septic system is such an important component of a home, you want to know if it was maintained well and in need of any repairs. Our licensed and certified home inspectors can perform a thorough, non-invasive inspection of the septic tank and all the components of the system to give you a better understanding of what may be needed for your potential future home.